今天是FeedBurner合併Google Account服務的最後一天,從2009年3月1日起,所有的服務都轉移至Google,如果還沒進行帳號合併的朋友,可以儘早合併。
詳細情形,可以參考這篇文章,More details on moving to a Google Account,
‧ On February 28th, if you have not moved your feeds to a Google Account, the traffic to your feeds will not be cut off or terminated, but you will not be able to view or manage your feeds until you have moved to a Google Account, unless you use MyBrand. Technically, this means that all traffic will now be served out of our Google data centers, and there will still be a way to move your account that will be in place indefinitely.
‧ If you used MyBrand at www.feedburner.com, you absolutely must move to a Google account and update your DNS CNAME records by March 16, 2009, or else your MyBrand URLs will return a 404 error. If you use MyBrand and have not moved, you should have already received an email from us with detailed instructions. If, for some reason, you have changed the email address associated with your FeedBurner account, you will receive another message once you have finished the move process to the email address associated with your Google Account.
如果在2月28日還沒有進行合併的動作,雖然一切資訊仍保留,但是你無法利用FeedBurner原始的的帳號去察看訂閱的情形,除非你有MyBrand帳號(這是Feedburner的高階服務),但是設定資料仍然要指向Google的帳號(map a domain),不然3月16日起你的資料就會全部消失,或是變成404頁面,這是大概的意思吧。
因為FeedBurner已成為Google版圖的一部份,以後訂閱都是以AdSense for Feeds取代Feedburner的服務,只是很多人並沒有申請AdSense的服務,這樣的命名真的有點奇怪,不過後台還是顯示原始的FeedBurner的圖樣。